lots of cherry leaves and baby cherry fruits forming

Weeknotes: Nurturing flow by doing very little, a weekend primer

Embracing do nothing days and practising nourishing flow states

Encouraging flow

What is flow?

Being “in the zone”. More on Wikipedia

4 elements of flow: Goals & progress, Clear & immediate feedback, Attention without distractions, Enjoying the experience

The 4 Fs of Flow (10 min video with subtitles):

  1. Focus
  2. Freedom: Letting go of fear and scrutiny
  3. Feedback: Am I getting closer to my goal or not?
  4. 4%: Optimal challenge

Learning this is really validating my decision to go freelance. Wanting to create an environment that has more of each of these is exactly what I’m aiming for.

5 factors:
Intrinsically rewarding
Clear goals and a sense of purpose: Especially good if you set these yourself
Clear and immediate feedback: What you’re doing and where you’re going
Challenge and perceived skills match
Intense focus on the present moment

What gets me into flow

  • Walking and observing nature
  • Studying
  • Reading, watching or listening to, fascinating stories
  • Puzzling asynchronous ways of working recommendations
  • Designing workshops, especially co-designing

It has to be stuff that really interests me. If it’s not captivating, there’s not much chance of flow. I say this, but having looked up ‘what is flow’, it’s kinda redundant because that’s true for everyone!

Unscheduled time: The Joy of Unshoulding

Rest, relaxation and nurturing flow.


I spent the whole weekend Chilling with Do Nothing Days & Unscheduled Time. It was glorious. I did a lot of studying. Because I’m a giant nerd, hurray! And I read Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn, on a whim. I enjoyed it.

Although, sometimes no schedule is hard…

The tyranny of choicelessness. The tyranny of decision fatigue.

Just going with the flow helps. Like, if I think, ‘oh, I could read a book’, and then I just do it. Rather than going on to think, ‘or I could watch a film, I could do some studying, maybe I’ll go for a walk, oh, there’s a podcast I wanted to listen to…’ etc.

Drowning in fun choices is not fun.

Next steps

different coloured lines flow across the canvas and there's a spiral getting bigger as it rises

Overcoming sunk cost fallacy, a work in progress!

I know a lot of my behaviour is motivated by loss aversion. I especially want to overcome the sunk cost fallacy, at least a little! So I started watching videos about it. I’ve been learning about Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman via Octalysis Prime, with its founder Yu-kai Chou going through the book chapter by chapter.

Daily blogging this week