Weeknotes: Break down to break through, rollercoaster week

Orange spiral with purple smiley face and lines emanating from the top, labelled 'excitement'.

The memory of it is already hazy, tbh, but I think it’s been a rollercoaster of a week.

Highlights include writing, sketching, lots of reading, lots of comedy. And, hopefully, a place of my own.

6 – 12 Sep

Writing &co

I had three great writing sessions, but otherwise I was a bit all over the place this week. But I think it’s working out.

Reflecting on the Writers’ Imaginarium

We got some great questions and prompts shortly after the Sarah Hymas’ Writers’ Imaginarium at a literary festival. I’ve been responding, slowly. Musing to myself.

Stuff I want

  • More week-long writing courses that include mentoring (like the Arvon course I did)
  • Giving and getting feedback on a regular basis
    • I think I’ll start planning what to share in my Sunday writing sessions
    • And look towards participating in at least one other open mic or feedback session elsewhere
  • More paid residencies, especially nature writing specifically – seek! find! apply!

Stuff I’m looking forward to

  • Weekly poetry courses with the WEA
  • Protecting writing time for playful experiments, generating new work, and editing



This Sketching for Storytellers workshop by Charli Vince was super great, I loved it. Was good to get back to sketchnoting too, but this time with paints! Funtimes.

Joining The Literacy Consultancy ‘Being A Writer’ programme was a great idea.

Intending to do more sketchnoting in future, yay!


Writing stuff that’s surprisingly funny

So, I always enjoy Anthony Anaxagorou’s writing workshops. This one was different from what I’d usually participate in and so the writing I did surprised me too. Awesome!


Health & wellbeing

Break down to break through is how I’d describe some of the moments of this week!

Practising not being so conflicted when I make decisions. Because, I can always change my mind and make a different decision! Srsly.

Looking forward to this: Optimizing Executive Functions in Children and Adults with ADHD, free webinar, 28 Sep.

Trees & other nature stuff

Welcome to Brockwell Park: Herne Hill Entrance sign, with a map of the map and trees in the background.



I read Lexicon by Max Barry. Yay!

Not finished any fiction in a while, aside from gay romances and fanfic, so this is pretty fantabulous.

I loved this story! I used to read Max Barry a lot in my 20s, so it’s quite nice to go back to him and read his newer stuff. I used to play Nation States too. Maybe I’ll go back. Although I tried to go back to Neopets decades after I was really into it, and that was disappointing, so… Who knows!

Started reading Fledgling by Octavia Butler, I’m enjoying it and/but it’s so disturbing.


The Poetry Library‘s ebooks collection is brilliant.

I’ve been enjoying Out of Bounds: British Black & Asian Poets, edited by Jackie Kay, Gemma Robinson & James Procter a lot. This book is going on my ‘might buy this in paperback’ list.

I dabbled with a few other collections too, including:

  • Dancing in Odessa – Ilya Kaminsky
  • After the Formalities – Anthony Anaxagorou
  • Trouble Came to the Turnip – Caroline Bird
  • Penguin Modern Poets 4: Other Ways to Leave the Room – Kathleen Jamie, Don Paterson, Nick Laird (just read some of the Kathleen Jamie poems, I want to read more)

Nerding out

Okay, this YouTube channel – zefrank1 – is amazing. Charli introduced it to us.



I like watching stand-up clips whilst writing weeknotes and at night, so I watch a lot of them!
