On Friday, 9th August 2019, Tas & I led a session on gratitude at the Liberating Structures European Learning Gathering in Hamburg. It was so productive and creative. Really useful. That’s the power of Liberating Structures! Purpose of the session Building a daily & sustainable gratitude practice Deepening gratitude practice over time Wish you’d been […]
Posts in the Living well category:
Life experience about wellbeing, mental health and mood. Plus, lots of plant-based nutrition resources and other ways of living well. Because I find creating meaning in my life fascinating, challenging and rewarding. Sharing my thoughts and feelings helps me reflect and learn from others too.
Living well can be difficult for many people. And so, act, reflect and learn is a lifelong practice. Most importantly, just keep trying.
Extensive learnings from agile methodologies
Focusing on sustainable working practices, setting and achieving goals, and always learning. Most of all, I’m working out my wellbeing agenda. So that wherever I am, I’m helping people feel and do better.
What are your thoughts on living well? I’d love to hear from you on Twitter @gobrightly
How I bullet journal: Bujo 2.0
I’m learning more about how to bullet journal with the official book and a TED talk by the author, Ryder Carroll. And checking out loads of other bullet journalling resources. I used to bullet journal consistently, and then I just stopped. I don’t remember why. When life was getting overwhelming, I started again this week. […]
Why I’m quitting Amazon, and how
Whilst travelling, I decided it was time to quit Amazon. But why? After all, I’ve known how unethical Amazon is for a long time. It’s not exactly a secret. Exploitation of workers. Tax avoidance. Anti-unionisation. The list goes on. And still, I continued to use their services. Because aren’t the big four (Google, Amazon, Facebook […]
My experience of the first Global Gathering, day 1
Before the Global Gathering During day 1 of the Global Gathering After day 1 of the Global Gathering With everlasting thanks to Nakia, Christina, Lotus, Derek, Steph, Claudia, Amber, Oscar, Todd, Nathan for having my back, nourishing my spirit and replenishing my grace. Thank you everyone who participated in the session I offered for your […]
GROWing into better goals
I recently wrote about goals and happiness. I shared why I set goals, how having a clear understanding of what I want helps me, and some of the ways I achieve that. Most of that was about longer-term goal setting. Because that’s what I did during my 10 day winter break at the end of […]
Do goals lead to happiness?
“I feel amazing. Enthusiastic, energised, ecstatic!” I wrote this yesterday morning on my way to work, and wow, so much can change in 24 hours. Yet, I still feel better than I would without a clear understanding of where I want to be. Earlier this week, I witnessed a conversation: Well, it’s Blue Monday. The […]
Be more effective! Creating meaning, improving mood & achieving goals
Last Friday, I sat down to refocus on my goals and priorities. Something I presented in a Recovering Energy hack and tell I shared at work last month prompted me; I’ll get on to that shortly. I took a lot of time and self-compassion to do this recentring work – a day of collaging, thinking and writing. […]
Getting healthier: Eating even MORE plants
I realised I had more I wanted to share about whole-food plant-based eating immediately after writing and publishing Enjoying veganism: How to eat more plants. So, welcome to Part 2: Getting healthier: Eating even MORE plants Getting healthier with plant-based veganism How to eat a whole-food plant-based diet: People have different ideas about what’s healthy, but this is […]
Enjoying veganism: How to eat more plants
For new vegans, vegan curious people and anyone who wants to eat a healthier diet and enjoy veganism. I’ve been vegan for around 10 years and so people tend to ask me for recipes, recommendations and so on. I thought I would collect together some of my experiences with veganism and share what I’ve found useful. […]