Black excellence at Afrotech Fest: You make a difference.

Well, we’ve done it again. It’s a tech festival, but not as we know it. And I was so overcome by black excellence that it took me a few weeks to gather myself, collect my thoughts and write them down… 😉 If you’re more of a visual person, check out the slides I made for […]

Delivering outcomes with distributed teams using Liberating Structures

By using Liberating Structures you can learn how to: Identify and mitigate risk across multiple teams and organisations. Effectively measure progress and demonstrate value for a distributed team. Run effective workshops, with a flexible design and toolkit. Tried and tested with: 20 people from 5 organisations, working in the same location, but usually based in […]

Inspiration, innovation and inclusion in tech: Enthusing about Afrotech Fest excellence

Afrotech Fest on 26-27 January 2018 was incredible. My mind is whirling with the inspiration, delight and excellence. Early on in the event there was the Showcase Hour, for attendees to share projects and pitches. I’m signal boosting participants and sharing resources on how to improve inclusion and diversity in tech and elsewhere. Check out […]

Metrics, Management & Revolution… in Cambridge

Earlier this week I wrote about some of the Agile Cambridge awesomeness over at the Novoda blog. Could you use data to make better decisions? Want to understand middle managers? How about starting a revolution? Check it out and let me know what you think ➡ Insights from Agile Cambridge 2017 Before I set foot in […]

What I wish I knew when I was new to agile

I attended my first lean coffee at Agile Cambridge 2017 this week. I found it delightful and I’m looking forward to attending more. So much so that I just RSVP’d to the next Lean Coffee London – join us on Tuesday, 24th October. I had some thoughts about “What I wish I knew when I was brand […]

Recommendations for agile events

I love learning; I always have. So, no surprise that I attend agile events as often as I can. Here are some highlights from last year to: Improve your interactions with people Increase personal effectiveness Better support teams Plus, my recommendations for agile groups to join for free. Sustainable agile transformation with coaching Watch the video from Lyssa Adkins […]