Words and writing Not been writing so much, in terms of writing poetry and books. But, I’m journalling more than usual, which is helping and healing. Kinda going back to the quantities of journalling I used to do. So, that’s good. Bought more stationery to support these habits. Last week I encountered some new words […]
Posts with the mental health tag
The week that started 23rd March 2020
On mental health and the risk of depression I’ve been pretty worried about spiralling back into depression, and I could feel the tendrils of low mood, motivation and energy dragging me down. Thankfully, I was able to realise that early, within a day or so, and do something about it. Some of the things that […]
Be more effective! Creating meaning, improving mood & achieving goals
Last Friday, I sat down to refocus on my goals and priorities. Something I presented in a Recovering Energy hack and tell I shared at work last month prompted me; I’ll get on to that shortly. I took a lot of time and self-compassion to do this recentring work – a day of collaging, thinking and writing. […]