Well, I did it. I got through Overcommitted October — not quite intact, since I got a bad cold, but — and made it through to Novel-writing November. Writing Ended the month by reading an excerpt from my novel (in progress), published alongside the works of other talented writing, at Gay’s The Word bookshop to […]
Posts with the nanowrimo tag
How to THRIVE in November with Nanowrimo
Survival kits are really valuable, I particularly love Rachael Stephen’s Nanowrimo survival kit. But I don’t want to just survive November, I want to thrive in it. I want to enjoy the experience, to be happy and healthy. If I’ve written 50K words by the end of November, but I’m a desiccated husk of a […]
Rescuing time: How I became a time scavenger for writing
How I did with my goals for this week, details about my writing process, all about the benefits of rewards and, of course, next week’s goals. Time was a serious focus for me this week, and that made the world of difference. Goals for this week ✔️ Write my (morning) pages: 750 words daily I […]
On the Importance of Wellbeing, Sustainability & Perseverance for Writing
Today I’m writing about the importance of wellbeing, sustainability and perseverance. How each of these is necessary for writing, and how critical people are for each of those 3 areas. It boils down to this: Nurturing established friendships + Developing new connections = Better life balance Wellbeing = Food & water + Sleep + Plants Sustainability = […]
From 0 to 50K: How I’m preparing to win NaNoWriMo
This article is about my experience of preparing for NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month. It’s a challenge to write a 50K word story in November – everyone who does that, wins! I hope that reading about the people & things helping me with writing will help you too. I got excited about NaNoWriMo 2018 when […]