Cheap stationery So, The Science of Wellbeing reminding me that stuff is inherently disappointing, despite what our biased intuitions tell us, helped me kick my expensive stationery cravings. So, I switched from Ryman’s and Paperchase to The Works. As a result, I learned about this innovation – paper you can write on underwater, and it […]
Posts with the sabbatical tag
The week that started 16th September
All about preparation and readiness this week. I’m so rested and ready to start my new job that I detangled my hair*, did the grocery shopping for a meditation retreat and stocked up on food for myself for September without breaking a sweat. * Edited to add: during which time I watched 4 films 🥴 […]
The week that started 19th August
Here are some words about: Scientists. Learning. Writing. And some photos. Enjoy! I’m on a writing residency and it’s time for sleep before another packed day. Baa. Meeting scientists & discovering my own love of science Last week I randomly, and wonderfully, met a senior researcher at the Natural History Museum, who’s a marine biologist. […]
The week that started 8th July
Experiment courageously is the phrase I chose recently to guide my last couple of weeks. And honestly, I forgot all about it almost immediately. But occasionally I’m reminded when I flip through the pages of my bullet journal. And it’s definitely been a theme in my decision making, guiding me when I’ve had big choices […]
The week that started Monday, 10th June 2019
News, just in My main headlines: I’m planning a sabbatical and figuring out what’s important for me in that. I’ve enrolled on an online course about giving advice & guidance. Trees are majestic beings. So, the whole point of weeknotes is to have highlights of the week, but I struggle to write summaries, so we’ll […]