The week that started 13th April 2020

Learning things So, this week I started a free course called The Science of Well-being. It’s by psychology professor Laurie Santos of Yale and it’s on Coursera (love Coursera). Grateful to my colleague for letting me know about it, because it’s brilliant. Whizzed through week 1, and now practising using my character strengths. Regardless of […]

The week that started 6th April 2020

What’s in this week: Wellness Writing, including my new & improved writing techniques My artist date this week, mostly enjoying botanical art online Creativity I’m appreciating COVID-19 and inequity reflections Wellness Re-reading what I’ve written before about how to be well and avoiding burnout (Sep 2019). Writing as healing My new writing technique is unstoppable* […]

Be more effective! Creating meaning, improving mood & achieving goals

Last Friday, I sat down to refocus on my goals and priorities. Something I presented in a Recovering Energy hack and tell I shared at work last month prompted me; I’ll get on to that shortly. I took a lot of time and self-compassion to do this recentring work – a day of collaging, thinking and writing. […]