Priorities and planning I did a lot of prioritisation of relationships and projects this week, which was helpful for getting clearer on where to put my attention, energy and time. And then worked on my budget to make sure it was inline with my priorities. Felt a huge sense of achievement after this work, and […]
Posts with the priorities tag
The week that started 23rd December
Reflecting on 2019 Preparing for next year by reflecting, using The Year Ahead (free). I found doing that so informative. I did loads of stuff this year, more than I’d remembered. So it was good to give that space. More to come in next week’s notes. I got back into journalling as well, which feels […]
The week that started 26th August
This has been a week of endings. But I’m not sad. Because I see it as a week of renewed beginnings. Like, because I’ve finished The Artist’s Way, again, I get to start it. Again. Endings are a cause for celebration. I’ve successfully completed four weeks of study. I’ve learned about learning. Now I’ll learn […]
Be more effective! Creating meaning, improving mood & achieving goals
Last Friday, I sat down to refocus on my goals and priorities. Something I presented in a Recovering Energy hack and tell I shared at work last month prompted me; I’ll get on to that shortly. I took a lot of time and self-compassion to do this recentring work – a day of collaging, thinking and writing. […]