Learning things So, this week I started a free course called The Science of Well-being. It’s by psychology professor Laurie Santos of Yale and it’s on Coursera (love Coursera). Grateful to my colleague for letting me know about it, because it’s brilliant. Whizzed through week 1, and now practising using my character strengths. Regardless of […]
Posts with the music tag
The week that started 24th February 2020
More balance A couple of weeks ago I said watch this space for more about balance. Well, here’s the space. I’m looking at working on a compressed schedule, namely 9 day fortnight: alternating between a 5 day week and a 4 day week, working slightly longer days. There are many potential benefits. I’m running an […]
The week that started 17th February 2020
Balance Last week I did 3 weeks of activity planning, which was so useful for prioritising things I want to do, scheduling them and booking tickets. This week I did some financial planning for some of the classes and courses I want to do, to prioritise them and balance importance and urgency. It feels great […]
The week that started 23rd December
Reflecting on 2019 Preparing for next year by reflecting, using The Year Ahead (free). I found doing that so informative. I did loads of stuff this year, more than I’d remembered. So it was good to give that space. More to come in next week’s notes. I got back into journalling as well, which feels […]
The week that started 25th November
On discipline On books I finished reading The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid. Loved it. Also, realised this isn’t the first book I’ve read by him – I read, and loved, Exit West a while ago. Hurray! I decided to start a library at work. Pretty excited. Send me your recommendations for agile and related […]
The week that started 7th October
Daily routines for better sleep hygiene Building on last week’s sleep hygiene improvements… In addition to leaving my phone on flight mode, I started leaving it in the living room. And taking only my secondary device to my bedroom for an alarm to wake me up and music & meditation apps to help me sleep. […]