Weeknotes: Nurturing courage & compassion: How to be on creative retreat 🎥🖌️

There are 3 themes in these weeknotes, coming live to you from my retreat: Creativity, with courage, compassion & curiosity Retreat, being on one, well, no, being on 2 simultaneously Thinking: Where’s my head at? Notes on asynchronous collaboration & ADHD ➡ What’s my relationship to my creativity? And how is it? And what about […]

Weeknotes: What’s your creative process? Here, I’ll show you mine… 🎥🖌️

How I learned to reflect every day, after months of false starts I love hearing about folks’ creative process/es, and I want to share mine more. Practising. My creative process is… Stopping and starting Jumping from drawing on my tablet, to auto-transcribing a vlog, to synching the drawing to the cloud and downloading it to […]

Weeknotes: How to practise resting without guilt, and stop overworking 🎥

Stuff I’m grateful I did this week Embarked on a 3 month retreat in daily life with Jaya Ashmore Family Constellations (BIPOC only) by Meenadchi, a modality for ancestral healing descended from Zulu medicine New Suns festival by the Barbican, a feminist literary festival returns to explore the legacy of science-fiction author Octavia Butler and […]