Oof, it’s taken ages to get these weeknotes out — well, three days late, but it feels like so much has changed in that time. I’ve changed! The world has changed! But, like, that’s always the case, so let’s not worry about that, and instead, let’s just hit the ‘Publish’ button before it gets any later…!
Somehow the previous weeknotes feel very relevant right now, so I’m linking to those too…
Table of Contents
Affirming myself
In the footsteps of Octavia Butler & encouraged by The Artist’s Way

One of my fellow Artist’s Way journeyers gave herself an artist date of buying stickers and adorning her morning pages with them. I loved the idea, so I got myself a pack of Adventure Time stickers. Surprised by the amount of joy I get from both covering my Artist’s Way stuff in stickers and looking at them later too. Simple pleasures, delighting my artist and/or my child self.
I read the first of a monthly zine by Chuck SJ featuring snippets of journal entries, poetry, writings and doodles. Y’all should check it out. Whilst you’re at it, consider pre-ordering Anthology N°1: Creating in Crisis edited by Polari Press.
I started reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind by Yuval Noah Harari, and it’s fascinating. I’ve never heard such a compelling story about the importance of storytelling. I love it.
And then, as if by magic — by the power of synchronicity — I learned of New Suns: A Feminist Literary Festival on Fri, 5 – Sun, 7 Mar 2021. Which is heavily centred around Octavia E. Butler. Great!
5 of the greatest stories ever
You never deserved these curses.
Remember you deserve more than this world has given you.
The Resurrection Lands
I CANT REMEMBER WHEN I DIDN’T NEED YOU — an interactive game
Black British Art Review 2020 — an insta
Maybe you should praise your own place within trans history.
The Resurrection Lands
Asking for help
Affirmations and ditties in my head all blended to form something of a song or poem or something. Some snippet.
I ask and receive the help that I need. Listening is asking. In woods: Paying attention to birds, Feeling wind and rain on skin, Picking a path through slick-slip-slide — Marriage of mud and mulch,
Fragen > Antworten (Questions Over Answers)
Overwork is NOT the solution to being overwhelmed…
I think I’m going to give myself a weekly work ban.
I mean, that’s why sabbaths exist, after all.
A rest from both work and social media.
I am very good at turning play into work. Like,
- writing weeknotes ➝ cultivating my personal/professional brand as a freelancer
- reading Sapiens ➝ making notes for a collection of short stories
I love creating things, and I’m getting more and more creative, which is wonderful. (Highly recommend the Jealousy Map activity in Week 7 of the Artist’s Way for that too.) And, simultaneously, I’m finding my work brain is never off and more and more it’s coming out of sleep mode.
So, making space for rest and play, by saying NO.